Icons and watermark now use images from a folder in the directory named 'Imports'.An object's color can now be affected by the biome color.(Affected by biome.).Fixed project opening crash if the project has a background object.Removed Fullscreen.(Caused a lot of problems.).Option to turn off custom interface icons in settings.(Will decrease RAM usage.).Changed update stream to show notifications when there's a new update for the mod.Fully fixed up vanilla converting/ loading projects from vanilla.Bloom options are now reversed and go from 0% to 100%, instead of 0 to 1 and are now labeled 'Intensity' instead of 'Threshold', and 'Amount' instead of 'Offset'.(1.0.3 automatically adjusts bloom values from 1.0.2 to look correct in 1.0.3.).You can now export objects to vanilla Mine-imator 1.0.6.(Rather than having to convert a project containing the object.).Timeline is no longer compact by default.Fixed typo in the controls tab, changing 'directoy' to 'directory'.Fixed observer block top texture in logo/ icon.Interface color popups now reset to the proper default colors instead of vanilla default colors.Trivia Mine-imator: Community Edition was originally planned to have a 1.1.0 update.